"What Is Rugby?" - As Told By USA Eagles
May 28, 2020
What is rugby and what does it mean to those who play it? I had the privilege of speaking with eight different USA National Team players over the past couple of weeks, and I asked each of them that very question, "What is rugby?"Rugby Rules 101: The Scrum
May 5, 2020
What does it mean when someone throws around the terms "lineout" or "scrum"? And no, a scrum is not when a mosh pit of football or basketball players fight for a loose ball. These are specific rugby terms, and they refer to what are known as "set pieces" in a rugby game.Rugby Rules 101: Lineouts
May 5, 2020
What does it mean when someone throws around the terms "lineout" or "scrum"? And no, a scrum is not when a mosh pit of football or basketball players fight for a loose ball. These are specific rugby terms, and they refer to what are known as "set pieces" in a rugby game.Youth Sports Leaders Form PLAY Sports Coalition
May 2, 2020
PLAY Sports Coalition Press ReleaseEvolving USA Rugby Part 3: Stay Involved!
Oct 23, 2019
To cap off this three-part series, I would like to recognize all of the hard work done out there across the American rugby landscape, as well as encourage more of us to get involved.